Zusha Torres, CNM
Fayetteville, GA
I’ve wanted to be a midwife since I was 12 years old, but, as it often does, life had a funny way of delivering me to this point of my life. When I first became a nurse, I lived in Alabama, where midwives were not allowed to practice and so I did the next best thing and became a labor and delivery nurse. By 2015, I had moved to Georgia, but I had plenty of good reasons not to pursue the dream. I was established in my career, after all, and certainly “too old” to go back to school and put myself through all those rigors again. Being a labor and delivery nurse was close enough, I thought, and I was very happy to be present for my friends as they navigated that beautiful and vulnerable journey of becoming mothers.
Still, a quiet, persistent voice kept calling me back to this buried dream of mine. It was a literal phone call from a friend’s husband that brought that voice back up and this time, I chose to answer the call. My friend was having a (unplanned!) home birth and she needed help. I hastily drove 5 minutes to her house, grabbed the one glove I had in the trunk of my car, and immediately confirmed the baby would indeed soon be arriving (on the next contraction, as it turned out). The experience brought the voice and the dream back to the forefront and I couldn’t bury it anymore. So I returned to school in my late 30s and began my new career path in my early 40s.
My favorite part of being a midwife is getting to know and care for the moms–meeting them right where they are–and getting to be a part of the sacred journey with them and their families.
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women’s services
Honest, Caring, Professional
Since 1986, it has been our vision and commitment to provide our patients with competent and compassionate medical care in a family-centered environment. This commitment allows us to offer a wide range of services, skills and knowledge devoted to the healthcare of women in all phases of life.
We realize every woman places value on her health and understands the importance of regular gynecological and obstetrical care during pregnancy. The doctor/patient relationship is a privilege we understand to be unique and somewhat “sacred”. With this understanding, we pledge to make your visit with us special and comfortable. In return, we trust that you will have confidence in our judgment and feel secure with your care.
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