Southern Crescent Women’s HealthCare

Mammogram Services
Mammograms can help detect breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt. They can also help detect benign tumors, cysts, and other breast conditions. Southern Crescent Women’s Healthcare offers screening mammograms in a comfortable setting in the Fayetteville office. If you are over the age of 40, reach out to us so we can schedule your mammogram. Women under the age of 40 with a higher risk of breast cancer should consult one of our providers about when to start getting mammograms.
A screening mammogram is a test used to look for changes in your breast tissue. A mammogram uses low dose x-rays to create digital images of your breast tissue and structures inside your breast. During a mammogram, you stand (or sit) in front of an X-ray machine and a technologist compresses your breast between two plates for a few seconds. The machine takes multiple X-rays of each breast, and the digital images are examined by a radiologist. A mammogram typically takes less than 15 minutes.
Types of Mammogram
There are two types of mammograms: screening and diagnostic. Screening mammograms are usually performed on women who don’t have any symptoms of breast cancer, while diagnostic mammograms are used to evaluate a lump or other symptom. Southern Crescent Women’s Healthcare offers screening mammograms in the Fayetteville office. If a diagnostic mammogram is recommended, you will be referred to a specialist or facility that provides this service.